The Brothers Grimsby


Ok, so this movie was dumb.

No one in their right mind would or should argue that point. That said, wow it was a lot of fun. There’s something to be said about walking out of the theater with a stupid smile on your face, perfectly aware of the fact that you had just spent 1 hour and 23 minutes of your life laughing at the absolute lowest level of humor, but nonetheless satisfied because you had enjoyed yourself.

A couple things to get out of the way. First, I saw this movie in an almost empty theater with about ten people in it, if that. Second, sitting to the right of me was a mother and her two children, who I’m guessing were no older than twelves years old-tops. This affected my viewing experience in a number of ways. First, I was often the person laughing the loudest at each of the jokes. Others would chuckle, maybe sometimes even laugh audibly. But, mostly it was just me, cackling like a drunk asshole-though I was only one of those things at the time. (I’ll give you a hint.)*

Second, I was sitting there feeling very uncomfortable laughing out loud at the 69ing, teabagging, and persistent butthole-oriented jokes that permeated the film… all while seated an arm’s length away from two little dudes and their indubitably incompetent mother. Like what the fuck, lady. This is one of many problems with America. Fuck you if you take your kids to movies like this and they grow up to be mindless fuckwads that can’t read. Films like this are meant to be enjoyed by 17 or 18 year-olds that can’t read.

Ok, so now that’s off my chest, let’s get to the movie.

Sacha Baron Cohen and Mark Strong were great. They were perfectly cast, Borat was hilarious, and Sinestro was a perfect foil. I’ll watch Mark Strong in anything, actually. He was great in this. Didn’t take himself too seriously. A badass. Great all around.

Rebel Wilson was also great, if slightly underutilized. Not nearly as much as Ian McShane, who was absolutely wasted in this film. The man’s a fucking genius. It’s OK for Mark Strong to be a fool in a film that is probably below him, because he’s in on the joke. Al Swearengen had a whole lot of fuck nothing to do. He didn’t do anything funny, scary, or mildly interesting. Even Isla Fisher-the wife of Mr. Sasha Baron Fisher-was pretty decent. She didn’t have much to do, but then again she’s not fucking Ian McShane so who gives a shit.

Another thing I liked about this movie:  it took all of 30 seconds to get started and dive right into the “plot” and “movie” without wasting any time on bullshit exposition that, let’s be real, no one gives a shit about anyway. It got right into it. It surprised me how quickly things were happening. In a good way.

The backstory about Borat and Sinestro when they were kids was actually pretty genuine and believable and, in a weird kind of way, moving. It worked. It was over-sentimentalized in some ways, but it was all fucking flashbacks so it’s kind of unavoidable. It was good.

And the whole speech that Borat gave at the end about poor people building hospitals and going to war-that’s 100% real and I though a moment of genuine, accurate, social commentary in an otherwise, admittedly, dumbass movie.

And some of the jokes didn’t hit, for sure. But a lot of the other ones did. You have to go in with reasonable expectations. Be willing to laugh at stupid shit. Be willing to be kind of moved by some of the less-stupid shit. The action’s pretty good. Not to mention it pretty much pulls a Hardcore Henry even before that movie comes out. Gives me yet another reason not to see that bullshit. If I have to see another fucking Hardcore Henry trailer, I’m going to punch myself in the fucking eyes.

Overall, you can’t rate a stupid movie the same way you’d rate a serious one. You have to operate on a different scale, with different criteria. I enjoyed this movie, as in, I laughed at stupid shit and had a bit of fun. That’s all it set out to do.

I give this movie 4/5 cucumbers.


Nuggets McGee


*I was an asshole, but sober.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Seriously? Fuck this movie.

Not everything was bad. Ben Affleck as “Slightly Pudgy and Old Batman” was pretty decent, actually. I liked the gritty, gray fox approach he took to the role. And he takes to many rolls, given his girth. Also Gal Gadot was pretty good as Wonder Woman. She was possibly the best thing about this movie. Even though she had absolutely no lines and no plot and nothing to do except shield the one mortal superhero from a giant Doomsday explosion, which we saw in the trailer. Fuck this movie.

Superman is just not an exciting superhero. Let’s be honest. Clark Kent is a boring fucking nerd. Superman is an immortal, boring fucking superhero with a costume that, no matter how gritty a movie you make, no matter how gritty a production design, is always going to be a bright red and blue spandex exercise outfit with a weird neckline. I’ve never been able to get over the neckline of his costume. Why is it a crewneck? Why is it so low? Why is it such a low crewneck? It makes no sense. Regardless of his neck muscles, it makes no sense.

So we have a boring superhero that is half of the movie’s plot. And then we have such an offensive and annoying villain that I want to punch myself in the balls repeatedly whenever Lex Luthor (LuthER to all us humans, LuthOR to fucking Batman for no reason) says a line.

He is the single worst thing about this movie. Ever since Facebook: The Movie, Jesse Eisenberg has gone nuts with this whole slightly OCD, very talkative, genius fuck approach to his roles. Take “The Social Network,” “30 Minutes or Less,” “Now You See Me” — it doesn’t matter. They’re all the same. Fuck this guy and his hair.

And Lois Lane? Like 15 minutes into the movie I was wishing that she would just die already because if she didn’t get herself into so many fucking helpless life-or-death situations, then Superman–i.e. Fuckwad Supreme–could focus on way more important things. Like at every possible moment when he could be doing something important or worthwhile he has to go rescue the utterly and inexcusably helpless Lois from some life-or-death situation she has gotten herself into. Fuck this part of the movie.

And I haven’t even gotten to the fucking worst part. The whole “Batman fights Superman” part of this film, which may or may not be the title of the fucking movie, takes all of 7 seconds. It’s a lot of boring ass CGI and that’s about it. Nothing really happens. They fight for 5 seconds and then get over their little tussle and move on to the rest of the (non) plot.

I was expecting more.

Jeremy Irons is pretty good as Alfred. I like that he’s developed tech and fighting skills and whatnot after 20 years of being Batman’s butler. Makes sense. And he’s a badass.

Fuck Superman, Lois Lane, and Alexander LuthOR. What a waste of time.

I give this movie 2/5 cucumbers.

Looking forward to “Fat Batman: The Movie” featuring Ben Affleck as Batman, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, and Matt Damon as Robin.


Nuggets McGee

Hi. I’m about to see a bunch of movies.

Hello person reading this. Once upon a time, in addition to the usual suspects-astronaut, professional hockey player, vexillologist-I desperately wanted to be a film critic when I grew up. One of my favorite things was, and still is, seeing movies in the theater. I like seeing all sorts of movies. But it can be super expensive, particularly nowadays.

So then I heard about this thing called MoviePass, which is like Netflix except with movie theaters. For a monthly fee, you can see 1 movie every 24 hours in participating theaters. MoviePass isn’t paying me anything to link to them, though I certainly wish they were.

MoviePass works like a debit card, so you pretty much use the app to ‘check in’ and indicate your intention to see a particular movie at a particular theater at a particular time. Then your debit card pass thingy gets activated for 30 minutes and you go buy your ticket in that window of time just like you would with a regular debit or credit card. Honestly, it’s pretty neat.  It also doesn’t hurt that I’m within walking distance to a theater and can check in to the theater from my apartment.  As I understand it, you need to be within 100 yards of a theater to activate the card and check in,  which I also understand is the normal distance for your average restraining order.

Long story short, I’m giving it a try. I’m using this MoviePass thing as an excuse to revisit my childhood dream of writing movie reviews. I realize that no one will actually be reading anything, given the plethora of actual film critics writing actual reviews. Or the plethora of interweb people writing actual reviews. Or the plethora of fake interweb people writing fake reviews. Either way, it’s an excuse to see a lot more movies than I normally would for less money that it otherwise would cost.

I see my first movie tonight: ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’. Looking forward to it. First review to follow.


Nuggets McGee